Insider tips for the week of July 24, 2017

By Chris Wills | Jul 23, 2017 | Comments Off on Insider tips for the week of July 24, 2017

The #1 college shock, according to other families – What’s the biggest financial surprise awaiting families of college-bound students? Check out the answer from a Money Magazine/Barnes & Noble college survey.





6 questions you need to ask on your college tours – With many families using summer break to visit colleges, here are 6 questions you should be asking during your tours.


Lots of scholarships with July deadlines – Check out this handy list from Jessica Velasco and find a few for your child to apply to!


6 tips for managing your EFC – Your EFC, or expected family contribution, is a number used by colleges to determine how much financial aid you will receive and a topic most families know little about. Invest a few minutes to read Road2College’s helpful tips to potentially save your family money.