Insider tips for the week of Dec. 5, 2016

By Chris Wills | Dec 5, 2016 | Comments Off on Insider tips for the week of Dec. 5, 2016

Below are our latest insider tips to help your family with the complicated college process:


Are you on the same page with your spouse about paying for college?
– Money Magazine points out that a shocking number of parents shield their children from the reality of high college costs, and far too many haven’t talked about the topic themselves. Take a few minutes to read some practical advice and then implement it before it becomes a bigger issue.


The 3 S’s – An open letter to parents – Jon McGee, who also doubles as a university administrator, provides advice to fellow parents on how they might think about and prepare for their child’s college expenses.


Scholarship tip – Jessica Velasco explains the importance of getting to know the scholarship provider before submitting your application to give yourself the best chance of winning. Too many students waste time applying to every scholarship they come across when they’d have a greater success rate if they focused more deeply on certain scholarships they are a better fit for.


Advice on graduating regret-free – Recent college grad Kristina Ellis shares advice on how students and parents can make the right decisions now—and maybe avoid some big regrets down the road.