Insider Tips for the Week of August 1, 2016

By Chris Wills | Aug 4, 2016 | Comments Off on Insider Tips for the Week of August 1, 2016

dollar-163473_640Below are our insider tips to help your family with the complicated college process!


Scholarships with August deadlines: Check out this terrific list from our friend Jessica Velasco and find a couple that may be a good fit for your child.


15 things every parent needs to know – A thought-provoking list from DIY College Rankings. My two favorites are

1) You set the expectation for acceptable colleges — not the rankings, your peers or your child’s peers, and

2) You shouldn’t base your expectations on another family’s experiences. Take a few minutes to scan the others.


What your kids really think – Money and Barnes & Noble College released a fascinating study revealing what parents and students think about college — where they agree and where they are way off (like who is paying). Take a minute read the infographic and then use it an opportunity for discussion with your child.