Insider tips for the week of Oct. 7, 2019

Are you a guilted parent? – Saying no to our kids is hard, especially when it has to do with their education and future. Lynn O’Shaughnessy writes an important article on parents feeling guilted to pay for a college their teenager wants, but they may not be able to afford.
6 questions that should be answered from your campus visits – Campus visits are one of the most important components of figuring out college fit, yet most families have no idea how to do them effectively. Check out this handy article from Educated Quest and note a key takeaway – families should take 2 tours, one through the admissions office and one on their own.

4 ways to spend one less semester in college and save – The average college grad takes an extra semester to graduate, which becomes an unplanned expense. Money magazine suggests some great ways to avoid that including choosing a college that has a track record of students finishing on time (some now even offer a guarantee), and testing your major early, since switching in junior or senior year will often mean a delay.
6 things to understand about Parent PLUS loans – Thinking about using Parent PLUS loans to help pay for your child’s education? Check out PayForEd’s helpful article on the topic.