High school seniors struggle with ACT cancellations and system crashes
College Inside Track was featured on KARE 11 TV discussing the ACT testing and registration challenges faced by high school students and their families.
In the KARE 11 interview, CIT’s Chris Wills said the problems started in the spring, when many schools had to cancel their in-school testing dates due to the virus.
“You had a growing number of families that would normally be spread out over multiple tests, multiple months, who are now all at the exact same time trying to register for the same very few tests that do exist,” Wills said.
And that’s when everything came crashing down.
“There were just so many families trying to register for the test and it just overwhelmed the system,” Wills said.
College Inside Track’s college consultants are happy to help families navigate these various challenges, including ACT and SAT testing strategies. Click here to learn more about the confusing system of test optional policies colleges are instituting in the wake of COVID-19, and here to schedule an hour’s worth of free, customized college advice with a College Inside Track’s college consultant here.