Insider tips for the week of April 10, 2017

By Chris Wills | Apr 5, 2017 | Comments Off on Insider tips for the week of April 10, 2017

3 ways to talk to your child about paying for college – The Washington Post shares helpful conversation starters for the difficult, yet important, money talk with your student.





A hidden college cost you probably didn’t think about – The Hechinger Report shines the light on a little-known reason why the cost of college has been rising — meal plans. An interesting and worthwhile read.


6 questions that should be answered from your campus visits – Campus visits are one of the most important components of figuring out college fit, yet most families have no idea how to do them effectively. Check out this handy article from Educated Quest and note a key takeaway – families should take 2 tours, one through the admissions office and one on their own.


How to decipher a financial aid letter  – Financial aid letters can be remarkably difficult to understand, especially for such an important purchase. Here is some excellent advice from Lynn O’Shaughnessy on how to read them.