Insider tips for the week of Mar. 13, 2017

By Chris Wills | Mar 12, 2017 | Comments Off on Insider tips for the week of Mar. 13, 2017


College’s hidden costs: What the admissions office won’t tell you – The father of a college freshman shares with the Washington Post costs families incur beyond tuition, room and board. He admits they thought they thought they knew what the costs would be but were “dead wrong.” An important read for all parents.


Does your emergency fund hurt you with financial aid? – Money Magazine explains what is and isn’t exempt on financial aid formulas.


Are you a helicopter parent?Check out the well-done infographic from the folks at Yellowbrick to find out.


23 college experts reveal the worst advice they’ve heard – interviewed college leaders from around the country and got terrific nuggets on what not to do. A great read to share with your son or daughter.