Insider tips for the week of Oct. 31, 2016

By Chris Wills | Oct 29, 2016 | Comments Off on Insider tips for the week of Oct. 31, 2016

Below are our insider tips to help your family with the complicated college process:


moneyShortcut to finding out how much the gov’t expects you to pay for college – Most families are stunned to learn how much they are expected to contribute to college after filling out the FAFSA, so Troy Onink has put together a quick reference table based on your household income and number of dependent children. Take 1 min to scroll down the few paragraphs to see the estimate of what yours will be.


4 incorrect reasons families don’t apply for financial aid – Check out these common mistakes from US News so you don’t cost yourself money for college.


adac-1574916_640Are you a helicopter, lawn mower or drone? – Take a minute to read Gail Roseblum’s lighthearted piece on parenting a soon-to-be college student and see what type of parent you are (Hint: you want to be a thermostat).


Scholarships with November deadlines – Check out this large list from Jessica Velasco and see if any make sense for your family.