October deadline scholarships, Scholarship myth, Write out loud, Graduation rate, Campus safety data
Welcome back to school! Below are our exclusive insider tips to give your family an advantage with the college admissions process.
10 scholarships with October deadlines
Not all colleges give scholarships if your kid is smart
A little-known fact is many colleges do not give scholarships based on academic ability, otherwise known as “merit aid,” and instead prioritize their dollars to “need-based aid” for financially needy students. Use CollegeData’s tool to see the percent of students that receive merit aid at the schools your child is considering. For greater detail, click on the specific college, choose “Money Matters” and go to the third section down “Profile of 2013-14 financial aid” to see the average amount awarded for merit gifts.
How to write a powerful and authentic college essay
Dr. Carol Barash, author of Write Out Loud, says after your child’s academic record, the second most important criteria used in college admissions is the personal essay. Jump to the 3:22 mark in the video and spend 6 minutes listening to her tremendous insight on how your child can “tell their story out loud” and separate him or herself.
Knowing a university’s graduation rate can save you money
A commonly overlooked cost is how long it takes a student to graduate not just from a specific institution, but from a specific program at that institution. Consider the double whammy of potentially needing an extra year to graduate because classes may be difficult to get into AND the lost wages from that year if your child is still in school and not the working world. Learn more at this college completion resource from the Chronicle for Higher Ed and ask for specific program info from the colleges your family is considering.
Will your child be safe at college?
Colleges are required by the government to report on numerous campus safety statistics. Get a deeper look than what you hear about on the campus tour at: http://ope.ed.gov/security/, and note the campus safety contact info listed if you want to ask more questions.