CLIENT WEBINAR Wed Aug 12 6:30 CT  “Writing the Supplemental Essays”  An 8-college list will require approximately 25-70 essays, and numerous short answer responses. Use these essays to develop a robust and authentic engagement with your college admissions committees. 

CLIENT WEBINAR Wed Aug 12 6:30 CT  “Writing the Supplemental Essays”  An 8-college list will require approximately 25-70 essays, and numerous short answer responses. Use these essays to develop a robust and authentic engagement with your college admissions committees.


* Supplemental Essays: what they are, and why you should care about them


*Finding the essays you need to write can be an arduous task. We discuss best practices for surfacing the essay prompts you need, with an eye toward maximizing possibilities for merit aid and college opportunities


*How to research scholarships, fellowships, programs, and majors with an eye toward strong content development


*A Quick Tip for quickly locating info about money, required essays, special programs and opportunities


*Kinds of Essays, and the major strategy for writing each.  A streamlined approach – including visual essay mapping —  to the different genres of college essays


* Securing the ultimate essay purpose:  establishing that you and the college are a strong academic and social fit


*Content Strategies:  Best practices – including how to make the most of all those virtual events you’ve been attending!   Here’s how to make them pay off


*Is it possible to use an essay for more than one college?  Sometimes.  We’ll show you how.


*The most common mistakes students make on supplemental essays, and how to avoid them


*The COVID-19 supplemental essay: how to help your admissions committee gain a clear understanding of how COVID-19 has changed the contours of your application


*Many of the essay prompts thematizing “diversity” and “community” ask you to “speak from the heart”.  What are you to make of all this prompting to open up, and speak from your heart?  Does it seem like kind of an odd or scary proposition to you?   We’ll talk that through, and give you some tips.

…  and more.  Looking forward to seeing you!