Insider tips for the week of December 3, 2022

Financial aid formula changes – CIT’s Chris Wills explains how little-known changes to the financial aid formula for the 2023-24 school year could affect how much you pay for college (these are different from the significant changes occurring the following year). Take a couple minutes to see if you may be impacted.

What does a test score mean anymore? – Jeffrey Selingo explores the evolving role of standardized tests in admissions, and the three different policies colleges have with testing. A well-written piece highlighting both sides of the debate.

A simple way to start the college conversation with your teen – Bestselling author Jacques Steinberg and Eric Furda, dean of admissions at UPenn, have developed a practical exercise for parents and students to undertake together. They recommend using simple index cards to begin the process of looking inward at the specific attributes of a college that might have the most appeal, with the goal of laying the groundwork for a mature conversation that may involve some discomfort but provide a beneficial amount of transparency. Learn how to do the exercise, and give it a shot with your student.

3 reasons why good grades won’t pay for college – Michelle Kretzschmar addresses the important distinction of good grades getting you into college but not necessarily lowering the cost of college. Take a few minutes for this helpful read.