The 5 Myths of College Costs

  How many purchases in life would you spend hours or even days on without knowing the cost? Imagine looking at homes or vehicles and obsessing over their details to find the right one, only to then be told the seller would get back to you on the price that they were customizing only to…

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Paying for college and how to discuss it with your child webinar

The two scariest parts of the college process are figuring out how to pay for it, and then having that conversation with your kid. But the good news is we’re here to help… Click here to view College Inside Track’s webinar on “Paying for college and how to discuss it with your child.”

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Insider tips for the week of July 30, 2018

lose college financial aid

6 tips for managing your EFC – Your EFC, or expected family contribution, is a number used by colleges to determine how much financial aid you will receive and a topic most families know little about. Invest a few minutes to read Road2College’s helpful tips to potentially save your family money.     5 strategies…

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