11 Weird College Scholarships for Which You May Qualify

Are you a fan of the number 5 or are a natural redhead or a lefty? Do you love peanut butter or can you carve a pumpkin or maybe you are tall? Here is a list of 11 of the weirdest college scholarships that you might be interested in or at least find humorous. The…

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Student Loan Debt and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)

It is obvious to anyone who hears the news that student loan debt has reached a crisis level. The total student debt in this country now exceeds $1.2 TRILLION and is larger than credit card debt. At College Inside Track, we have saved families hundreds of thousands of dollars during our more than 10 years…

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Avoiding College Debt

Another segment from St. Paul-based KSTP TV and this one is about how to avoid college debt. College Inside Track’s founder, Jay Benanav, is featured in this segment.

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Student Loan Option if You Need to Borrow

If you are still looking to fill the financial gap for your student’s college cost I suggest that you take a look at these options. Your first choice should be the Federal Direct loan. That program has low interest rates and flexible terms for repayment once your student graduates college. Some families find it necessary…

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Is Your College Essay Good Enough to Get You In?

The college essay is more important than ever and often makes the difference between getting into college or not, as well as a major factor in the size of the student’s financial aid. So how can you write an essay that will stand out? Everyone talks about voice when it comes to the essay. Yet…

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7 Things To Look For In A Good College

This is an article by Michelle Kretzschmar of DIY College Rankings. There are over 3,000 four-year colleges in the United States. How do you begin to find the good colleges to which a student should apply? To a certain extent, the definition of “good” will vary from student to student. However, there are seven things…

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Making the Final Decision – What to do Next

If you haven’t yet made the decision on which college you will attend, remember that you need to make it by May 1. Once you decide, notify the college that you have accepted their offer. Also take time to notify the college’s that you are NOT going to that you are not accepting their offer.…

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