Georgia Tech, For Ambitious Students Serious About Innovation and Technology

School profile by CIT Consultant, Anne Weber

Located in the heart of Atlanta, The Georgia Institute of Technology is laser-focused on enabling student innovation through technology. From programs like Create-X to VIP (Vertically Integrated Program), students are encouraged to collaborate and innovate on Day 1.

Like many schools today, Georgia Tech is beginning to accommodate more students by offering a first semester abroad program. Many students also choose to start the summer before their first year in the IGNITE program–learning the ropes and getting a class or two under their belts.


Computer Science is the largest and most competitive college within Georgia Tech, and Engineering follows a close second. But every college and every major at GT is taught through the lens of technology. In fact, one cannot pursue a B.A., only a B.S. or B.S./M.S. 4+1 program, where students can complete their Masters in just five years.

Recruiting at Georgia Tech is first-rate. And as any parent or student knows, real-world experience is becoming increasingly important. The vast majority of students benefit from internships or co-ops (semester-long paid full-time work,) and the top employers are the likes of apple, Amazon, Tesla, Nvidia, and Microsoft. Fun fact: if a student needs an interview suit, they can borrow one from Career Services, along with resume reviews and interview prep.

Campus life is a fascinating mix. At one end of the spectrum, students enjoy free tickets to all sporting events (outside of football, which are a very affordable $70/season) and revel in the silly antics of the Ramblin’ Wreck and Buzz, the unofficial mascot. At the other end of the spectrum are the fiercely competitive robotics and board game clubs. GT students embrace their geeky culture, thrive on challenges, and are known to go “all in” on the cleverest practical jokes. All of this exists on an absolutely gorgeous campus right in the middle of Atlanta. The buildings are thoughtfully designed for both students and research. The campus is extremely walkable, safe, and inviting. And everything that Atlanta has to offer sits at the GT doorstep.