Insider tips for the week of May 30, 2022


student looking through binocularsACT/SAT outlook – Bruce Reed of Compass Education Group shares his thoughts on how standardized tests will be used by colleges moving forward. He expects testing opportunities will rebound and while many schools are continuing policies and trials as test optional, having a test score when applying to more selective colleges may be an advantage.


How many AP classes should my child take? – Many families struggle with this decision, wondering if not taking AP or IB classes will hurt their chances of getting into certain colleges, while also being worried about their child being overwhelmed. Check out the advice from College Inside Track’s Susan Whalen.


lawn mowerAre you a lawn mower parent? – Take a minute to read Karen Fancher’s piece on parenting and her valuable advice. My favorite: TRUST your kid to do well, and tell her repeatedly that you believe that she can make good decisions on her own. Give her room to make mistakes, even major ones sometimes, and learn from them together.


Insider tips on the college tour – As you plan visits this summer, it’s a good idea to review this article by CIT Consultant Lessa Scherrer. A college visit can be as simple as walking around campus to see what it “feels” like. Visit dates open up throughout the calendar, so check back or call the admissions office for options.