Insider Tips for the week of November 4, 2023

Capacity-constrained majors and the college list – CIT’s Anne Weber discusses problems posed by “capacity-constrained majors”, and sets forth five possible pathways families may consider to beat this alarming trend when constructing the college list.

The complication with FAFSA simplification – The Brookings Institute analyzes how the FAFSA changes will impact different families based on their income and the number of children in college at the same time. Check out the article and the easy-to-use interactive simulator.

The secret of college admissions – Scott White explores how “getting into college” is not an activity, and it is all about who the student is, not what they do. A worthy read to share with your student.

Intellectual authenticity is the new face of holistic admissions – Jin Chow discusses a fundamental shift in how universities examine potential new students that leans into applicants’ demonstration of genuine commitment to their intellectual passions.