Insider tips for the week of Sept. 24, 2018

10 things you do to increase your child’s student debt – We’ve all heard the horror stories about crazy amounts of student loan debt, but as Michelle Kretzschmar points out, there are a number of decisions parents make that make the situation worse. Take a couple minutes to make sure you aren’t doing any of them.


The truth about having a HS senior – Sue Moretti Rogers writes a terrific piece that every parent of a HS senior should read.


4 biggest mistakes families make when applying to college – College admissions guru Jeff Selingo shares 4 mistakes students and parents make when applying to college. Are you making any?


10 things to know about getting into your dream college – Eric Hoover shares 10 takeaways from his hundreds of interviews with admission deans. Scan the list and be sure to share with your student.