Insider tips for the week of Nov. 4, 2019

Student Loans from A to Z – Trying to figure out the borrowing side of college? has a nice summary of student loans and pros and cons of each type. One important message: Students should always max out federal loans before looking into private loans, but you must fill out the FAFSA to qualify for federal loans!
8 tips to raising healthy, happy kids – Kirsten Jones thoughtfully explores the role parents have in the pressure our kids feel to be perfect, and the “superiority complex” at the root of today’s epidemic of stress, anxiety and depression among young people. An important read.

The new college athlete – Your child playing video games may not be a waste of time after all as universities are investing in esports — and even awarding scholarships — to attract a new type of college athlete. Check out this interesting new trend from the Deseret News.
Essential tips to figure out college fit – Dr. Adam Weinberg shares some terrific tips to help families really understand what college fit is, and how to figure it out. Among the important takeaways: Choose a college where your child can pursue his/her passions and pay attention to the first-year program. Take a minute to check out the others.