Insider tips for the week of December 6, 2021

parent writing letter

  5 blunt truths about college – Marybeth Bock shares important insights every parent with a HS student should read (my favorite: not all professors are skilled teachers).  As a bonus, she also recommends 5 books to check out that expand on her points.   Maximizing your campus visit – Consider making a college visit…

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Insider tips for the week of November 8, 2021

college bullseye

   How to find good schools…for you – Rick Clark writes an excellent article about how to find right-fit schools. Click here to read some questions you should answer while determining if a college is a good school for you (and see a picture of a crazy-flexible 10-year-old).   Big changes to financial aid and…

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Expert Tips: Top 5 ways to evaluate a college in the COVID-19 world

  Can’t visit the colleges you are considering? Here are 5 best practices from the experts at College Inside Track:   Take a virtual tour of the campus with a current student as your guide Nearly everyone is telling families to take virtual tours of colleges they are interested in, which is certainly good and…

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Navigating the college process in the new COVID-19 world slides

The already complicated college process just became more challenging for families in the wake of COVID-19. Campus visits are cancelled, ACT test dates are postponed and more changes every day. How does a family conduct a search and choose a college in this new environment? Our team at College Inside Track is actively monitoring these…

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Insider tips for the week of June 17, 2019

How to help your teen be college-ready – Being admitted to college doesn’t mean a student is ready for it. Check out this important read from the New York Times, which explains how parents can encourage kids to step up their levels of personal responsibility while still in high school. 5 people worth talking to…

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Insider tips for the week of Nov. 26, 2018

5 tips to pay less for college – A great read worth a couple minutes from Jeanmarie Keller. I especially like #4 – build your list of colleges based on your situation and the college’s financial aid policies. Just because you need financial aid doesn’t mean the college has to give it to you.  …

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