Insider Tips for the week of May 4, 2020

   3 new paying for college strategies in the COVID-19 world – COVID-19 has massively disrupted the college planning process, which has created new opportunities for families to potentially reduce their cost. Check out 3 new college financial planning strategies to consider (as always, please consult with a financial professional to determine if any are…

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Paying for college – 3 new strategies

paying for college - stock market

  COVID-19 has massively disrupted the college planning and paying for college process, which has created new opportunities for families to potentially reduce their cost. Here are three new college financial planning strategies to consider (as always, please consult with a financial professional to determine if any are a fit):   Take advantage of low…

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What does test-optional really mean?

    The list of test-optional schools has expanded quite a bit recently, mostly because of the difficulties students are facing for test opportunities. ACT and SAT cancellations have been rampant due to COVID-19. Colleges, not wanting students to have to exclude them from their college lists, have decided to go “test-optional;” some as a…

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Should High School Seniors Enroll in College This Fall?

  The answer, like so many other college-related questions, is “It depends.”                           As COVID-19 continues to disrupt our lives and stay-at-home directives extend into May, speculation has been rising about how colleges are going to handle the fall semester if the pandemic…

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Insider tips for the week of April 6, 2020

  5 ways to evaluate a college in the COVID-19 world – Campuses are closed for visits, so how does a family evaluate a college in the new COVID-19 world? College Inside Track President Chris Wills goes beyond the normal advice and recommends 5 excellent tips.   9 important adulting skills to teach your captive…

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Federal Student Loan Payments Suspended Through Sept. 30

    In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has suspended all federal student loan payments through September 30, 2020. Here’s what you need to know:   No interest will accrue on your federal student loans through Sept. 30, 2020.   Your federal student loan balance doesn’t change unless you make payments, meaning…

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Expert Tips: Top 5 ways to evaluate a college in the COVID-19 world

  Can’t visit the colleges you are considering? Here are 5 best practices from the experts at College Inside Track:   Take a virtual tour of the campus with a current student as your guide Nearly everyone is telling families to take virtual tours of colleges they are interested in, which is certainly good and…

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