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Why Student Engagement Matters, and Why College Is WAY More Than Your Classes and Major

Heather V McCowen, PhD College Consultant College Inside Track March 2024 What is Student Engagement? Why is it important? Student engagement is a multifaceted concept strongly associated with student learning, persistence, and attainment. Research has shown that student engagement can positively impact student learning communities, influencing student grades and course completion rates. For example, a…

Wellness Resources For Your College-Bound Child

CIT Consultant Stephanie George discusses how to help your college-bound child plan for wellness   Q. Nationally, there has been a strong uptick in students reporting depression and anxiety as a function of the transition to college.  What’s your best advice for parents, including advice about resources? Before your child heads to college, I suggest…

List Building for LGBTQ+ Students: Living-Learning Communities, with CIT Consultant Stephanie George

To create an especially comfortable, safe, and hospitable environment for LGBTQ+ students, some colleges have created  LGBTQ+ living-learning communities. I’ve written about the strong beneficial qualities of living-learning communities (LLCs) in other posts, but here I want to offer five great LGBTQ+ examples that offer particularly inclusive, gender-neutral environments with compelling academic and social opportunities. …

unhappy college student

Mental Health and Your College Student: Things You Can Do To Help Your Child Now

  Written by CIT Consultant Susan Whalen We’ve all heard the grim news: mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, loneliness, and more are steeply rising among high school and college age students.  Coping effectively with these issues can be sufficiently challenging when your teenage child is at home with you, but once your child…

A Haven for Underserved Students: Guilford College

Written by CIT Consultant Lessa Scherrer Guilford College in North Carolina is a historic campus focused on lifting up students of color and first-generation students (the first in their families to attend college). Once a stop on the Underground Railroad, Guilford has continued their focus on the underserved: most of their students are Pell eligible,…

Insider Tips for the week of March 16, 2024

Expert tips on getting the most scholarships – Suzy Fallon from College Inside Track shares the secret sauce for how families can maximize scholarship dollars. Key takeaway: Each college has its own financial aid philosophy and you want to find those that match with your student’s profile. Take a few minutes to read this valuable…

graduation ceremony

Major changes to the college process in 2024

  This past year has resulted in some of the most significant changes to the college planning process in decades. Admission trends have changed how colleges admit students, there are substantial changes to the FAFSA and college financial aid that may make college more expensive for middle class and affluent families,  but also provide attractive…

What is ABET accreditation and does it matter?

Written by CIT Consultant Marit Lunstad I’m thinking about declaring engineering as my college major. . What is ABET accreditation, and why do I care? To what extent should accreditation factor into my decision making, as I construct my college list? Let’s begin with the question of what accreditation is. Accreditation is, essentially, a seal…

Engineering Programs for B Students

Written by CIT Consultant Suzy Fallon Contrary to popular belief, not every future engineer has a 4.0 and a perfect ACT or SAT score!  We know plenty of college students currently studying engineering who were solid B students in high school.  As a whole, engineering is a competitive major regardless of your high school credentials. …

Liberal Arts Colleges with Engineering Programs: Six to Consider

Written by CIT Consultant Tiffany Eggers Once a student has decided to become an engineer, the next significant choice is where to study. Course lists and major requirements are only part of what students should consider. Students are happiest with their decisions if they have carefully pondered the types of teaching and living environments in…