Insider money tips for the week of February 3, 2020

  Major change to 529 Plans – The SECURE Act signed at the end of last year includes a major change that now allows 529 Plan dollars to be used to pay for student loans. However, certain states need to conform their tax laws to the federal one, otherwise folks in those states may face…

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Insider tips financial aid tips for the week of January 13, 2020

  College savings cheat sheet – Financial aid guru Mark Kantrowitz shares some tremendous advice with Katie Couric on how parents can best approach the financial aspect of college. Among my favorites: Parents overestimate eligibility for merit aid, underestimate eligibility for need-based aid, and aren’t aware that most colleges meet financial need with loans, not…

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2 valuable college planning changes in the SECURE Act

  The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement (SECURE) Act signed into law at the end of 2019 includes two significant college planning changes that families need to know about.   529 Plans can now be used to repay student loans Previously, 529 Plans could be used for qualified college expenses and $10,000 annually of…

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Job Shadow Questions

From an article by Jodi Walder-Biesanz, College Admission Coach How long have you been working in this career? Why did you choose it? What kind of education did you need to get started? What types of continuing education have you had as your career progressed? What do you like best about your work? What do…

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Welcome Back to School!

October deadline scholarships, Scholarship myth, Write out loud, Graduation rate, Campus safety data Welcome back to school! Below are our exclusive insider tips to give your family an advantage with the college admissions process. 10 scholarships with October deadlines Not all colleges give scholarships if your kid is smart A little-known fact is many colleges…

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