Cozy Wittman on Wicked Pissah Podcast: Financial Strategies Driving the College Search
Cozy Wittman, Wicked Pissah Podcast, Episode 118 College Inside Track’s Cozy Wittman offers a really fun, comprehensive discussion around the college search. With strong advice for financial advisers, the podcast speaks to all listeners with a stake in the college search. When should families begin thinking about the college search? When should the scholarship…
Read MoreInsider tips for the week of July 4, 2022
What you need to know about admission deadlines– Rick Clark does a nice job of explaining an important topic. Worth the read now, well ahead of the rush and anxiety of the fall application season. When should you engage a college consultant? – Ann Garcia addresses early start elements, problems with a very late start with…
Read MoreInsider tips for the week of May 30, 2022
ACT/SAT outlook – Bruce Reed of Compass Education Group shares his thoughts on how standardized tests will be used by colleges moving forward. He expects testing opportunities will rebound and while many schools are continuing policies and trials as test optional, having a test score when applying to more selective colleges may be an…
Read MoreThe Parent Plus Loan: Pros, Cons, and Sneaky Financial Aid Offers
Check out this short video on the Parent Plus Loan, where CIT’s Cozy Wittman lays out the pros, cons, and some caveats related to this loan. Parents: carefully examine how your college leverages the loan in your financial aid offer! What are the real numbers? If the Parent Plus Loan sits about 2.5 to…
Read More“When Should You Engage a College Admissions Consultant?” CIT’s Cozy Wittman with The College Financial Lady
CIT’s Cozy Wittman interview: “When Should You Engage A College Admissions Consultant?” When does starting early with a college admissions consultant make sense? For certain groups of students, in the land of college admissions the early bird most reliably catches the worm! An early start may be especially beneficial in terms of both ease of…
Read MoreInsider tips for the week of May 2, 2022
Top tips for AP success – The folks at Compass Education Group have put together a handy one-stop resource with information about AP exams and prep, as well as an examination of the role APs play in college admission. 3 things to do now for strong HS recommendation letters – Students have experienced…
Read MoreInsider tips for the week of April 4, 2022
Finding meaningful summer activities – Summer is a golden opportunity for students to contribute to the story of who they are, what they value, and how they are engaging their passions, interests & dedication in meaningful ways. CIT Consultant Paige Feldman proposes thinking about what values a student wants to bring forward with the…
Read MoreVIDEO: HS Juniors! Three Things To Do NOW To Ensure Strong Teacher Rec Letters
Juniors have experienced online learning and cancelled or shortened extracurricular activities as a function of the pandemic. Many report that they tell they hardly know the teachers who have taught them this year, and worry that their core teachers don’t know enough about them to write great letters of recommendation. Don’t despair! CIT Consultant Robin…
Read MoreInsider tips for the week of February 28, 2022
Types of loans available – Fred Amrein provides a good summary of the various loans that may be offered to families as part of a college’s financial aid package. Key learning: The Direct Federal Loan is the only one entirely owed by the student and is limited to a total of $31,000 over all…
Read MoreInsider tips for the week of February 7, 2022
Expert tips on getting the most scholarships – Suzy Fallon from College Inside Track shares the secret sauce for how families can maximize scholarship dollars. Key takeaway: Each college has its own financial aid philosophy and you want to find those that match with your student’s profile. Take a few minutes to read this…
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