Posts Tagged ‘FAFSA’
Insider tips for the week of April 5, 2021
Controversial financial aid change – A new FAFSA change will dramatically reduce the amount of financial aid middle and upper-income families with more than one child in college at the same time will receive. Check out our article on this significant news. 10 ways to help your teen with the college decision –…
Read MoreInsider tips for the week of March 1, 2021
Huge change for grandparents contributing to college – The FAFSA changes included in the December COVID relief bill contain a HUGE one for grandparents: Cash contributions from grandparents, including distributions from grandparent-owned 529 plans, will no longer hurt a student’s eligibility for financial aid. Check out our article on this significant news. How…
Read MoreFAFSA changes interview on WCCO
College Inside Track President Chris Wills was interviewed by Esme Murphy on WCCO TV, discussing the changes made to the FAFSA. Wills explained that the changes, which go into effect for the 2023-24 school year, will be based on a family’s 2021 tax return information so families need to understand them now. Some of…
Read MoreCollege Inside Track Alumni Newsletter – Winter 2021
FAFSA changes – The COVID relief bill passed at the end of 2020 also included some significant changes to the FAFSA. While the changes do not go into effect until the 2023-24 school year, that year’s FAFSA will use tax information from 2021, so there are current day considerations. And because the FAFSA is…
Read MoreFinancial Advisor FAFSA Changes
FAFSA Training 2021 (3)
Read MoreInsider tips for the week of January 4, 2021
FAFSA changes – The COVID relief bill passed at the end of 2020 also included some significant changes to the FAFSA, including how multiple students in college are treated and how divorced parents complete it. While the changes do not go into effect until the 2023-24 school year, that year’s FAFSA will use tax…
Read MoreInsider tips for the week of March 2, 2020
FAFSA says how much you can pay for college, but it’s often wrong – The NY Times explains what the FAFSA says you can afford is usually less than you will end up paying, which comes as a big surprise to many families. This is an important read as you plan how to make the…
Read MoreBlueStem Wealth Partners webinar slide show
Click here to download the slide show for the BlueStem Wealth Partners client webinar
Read MoreBeware – Retirement savings rollover issue on FAFSA
There is a FAFSA issue that has been tripping up families with qualified retirement savings rollovers that can result in wildly inflated EFC’s (expected family contributions), thus reducing the amount of financial aid they qualify for. Retirement savings moved from one qualified retirement plan to another qualified plan should not be reported as untaxed income…
Read MoreWhy is my EFC going up?
Talk about a double whammy! Despite the rising cost of college, families are at the same time seeing an increase in their EFC (expected family contribution), which is what they are expected to contribute before any financial aid kicks in. In other words, a family with the exact same income and assets today as one…
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