Insider tips for the week of March 1, 2021
Huge change for grandparents contributing to college – The FAFSA changes included in the December COVID relief bill contain a HUGE one for grandparents: Cash contributions from grandparents, including distributions from grandparent-owned 529 plans, will no longer hurt a student’s eligibility for financial aid. Check out our article on this significant news. How…
Read MoreInsider Tips for the week of February 1, 2021
I’m worried my child won’t get into a good college – The Atlantic’s Lori Gottlieb writes an important piece about how we as parents help our children address disappointment in the college process, but more importantly, in life. From the moment kids are born, they take their cues from the adults around them about…
Read MoreCollege Inside Track Alumni Newsletter – Winter 2021
FAFSA changes – The COVID relief bill passed at the end of 2020 also included some significant changes to the FAFSA. While the changes do not go into effect until the 2023-24 school year, that year’s FAFSA will use tax information from 2021, so there are current day considerations. And because the FAFSA is…
Read MoreInsider tips for the week of January 4, 2021
FAFSA changes – The COVID relief bill passed at the end of 2020 also included some significant changes to the FAFSA, including how multiple students in college are treated and how divorced parents complete it. While the changes do not go into effect until the 2023-24 school year, that year’s FAFSA will use tax…
Read MoreInsider tips for the week of December 7, 2020
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire – In our new “Liar Liar Pants on Fire” series, College Inside Track consultants debunk some of the claims we’re hearing about college admissions. We would love to address some that YOU’RE hearing, too! Tell us yours in the Comments section. We will respond with specific and factual info,…
Read MoreInsider tips for the week of November 2, 2020
A simple way to start the college conversation with your teen – Bestselling author Jacques Steinberg and Eric Furda, dean of admissions at UPenn, have developed a practical exercise for parents and students to undertake together. They recommend using simple index cards to begin the process of looking inward at the specific attributes of…
Read MoreCoronavirus College Resources For Families
The already complicated college process just became more challenging for families in the wake of COVID-19. Campus visits are cancelled, ACT test dates are postponed and more changes every day. How does a family conduct a search and choose a college in this new environment? College Inside Track is here to help and below is…
Read MoreCollege Inside Track Alumni Newsletter – Fall 2020
When you get the text “I don’t feel well…” – Scott Sager writes about the challenging moment parents of college students face of not being right around the corner anymore when your son or daughter is sick. Check out his 5 suggestions in the moment and 4 recommendations for the next time your student…
Read MoreInsider tips for the week of October 5, 2020
Expert tips on getting the most scholarships – Suzy Fallon from College Inside Track shares the secret sauce for how families can maximize scholarship dollars. Key takeaway: Each college has its own financial aid philosophy and you want to find those that match with your student’s profile. Take a few minutes to read this…
Read MoreInsider Tips for the week of July 6, 2020
Understanding the new Common App COVID question – The Common App has added new, optional COVID-related writing sections for students and their school counselors to allow them to share with colleges and universities how they have been affected by the pandemic. Here’s what you need to know. 15 reasons to ignore college rankings…
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