Insider tips for the week of November 8, 2021

college bullseye

   How to find good schools…for you – Rick Clark writes an excellent article about how to find right-fit schools. Click here to read some questions you should answer while determining if a college is a good school for you (and see a picture of a crazy-flexible 10-year-old).   Big changes to financial aid and…

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Big changes to financial aid and college savings plans

KARE 11 TV logo

  College Inside Track was featured on KARE 11 TV discussing the upcoming FAFSA changes. In the KARE 11 interview, CIT’s Chris Wills said four big changes are coming to the way parents and students apply for financial aid and save for college. #1: The Application is Getting Smaller and Easier to Fill Out #2:…

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Insider tips for the week of September 6, 2021

admission road map

  Mission drives admission – Rick Clark writes a wonderful piece explaining why certain students get admitted when others don’t, and encourages students to consider what their mission in admission is before applying anywhere. An important read to share and discuss with your student.   Why undecided is a great college major – Dr. Deborah…

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Jay Benanav Q and A: Your High School Senior and Imminent Financial Aid Tasks

money puzzle

  College Inside Track founder and nationally recognized college admissions financial aid expert Jay Benanav responds to a few of the moment’s most pressing financial aid issues, in this wide-ranging interview:  The need for conscious student responses to financial aid questions on college applications, how need- and merit based aid configure with financial form (FAFSA…

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Insider tips for the week of June 28, 2021

girl pretending to be scary

  FAFSA changes delayed – The significant FAFSA changes recently approved by Congress will be delayed by year, due to the complexity of overhauling the entire system. Federal Student Aid (FSA), the agency in charge of implementing the changes, said they will now be rolled out for the 2024-25 school year. The earliest families can…

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Filling out the FAFSA when there are divorced parents

broken heart

Completing the FAFSA when parents are divorced is one of the most confusing scenarios for families, because custodial terms and who claims the child on the tax return do not necessarily apply. Further complicating things is that the rules for divorced parents are changing along with a number of other key FAFSA changes starting with…

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Insider tips for the week of May 31, 2021

college magic

  College magic – Forbes has an excellent article on how college, if done right, can be a life-altering experience with lifelong benefits. Not enough students experience the most important elements of college, what researchers call the “Big Six.” The elements fall into two categories of relationship-rich and work-integrated. This is an important read as…

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