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Insider tips for the week of October 3, 2016

Below are our insider tips to help your family with the complicated college process:   Scholarships with October deadlines – Check out this list from Jessica Velasco and find a few you can apply to.    Straight talk from college admissions officers to parents – Brennan Barnard collected candid advice to share with you. While some of…

Insider tips for the week of September 19, 2016

Below are our insider tips to help your family with the complicated college process! 8 financial aid mistakes to avoid – Road2College has a quick read jam-packed with great advice. My two favorite nuggets: Don’t wait to file financial aid forms (FAFSA is now available starting Oct. 1 of the senior year) and understand that…

Insider tips for the week of August 22, 2016

Below are our insider tips to help your family with the complicated college process!   How one student saved $20,000 on college – It wasn’t lots of scholarships but rather some very savvy planning and decisions. In this must-read for you and your child, Money’s Megan Leonhardt provides a terrific playbook on how average families…

Insider Tips for the Week of August 1, 2016

Below are our insider tips to help your family with the complicated college process!   Scholarships with August deadlines: Check out this terrific list from our friend Jessica Velasco and find a couple that may be a good fit for your child.   15 things every parent needs to know – A thought-provoking list from…

frustrated man

Asset protection allowance down sharply

As if paying for college wasn’t hard enough for families, the amount of assets you are allowed to have that are exempt from the federal financial aid formula plummeted by 29% from just a year ago and a stunning 60% from 10 years ago. First, a quick overview of the asset protection allowance: The general concept is…

6 Steps to Admissions Success online course

Do you have questions about applying to college? Taught by CIT’s Dr. Matthew Andrews, our free course helps students and parents walk through the essential steps to prepare and apply for college. The course introduces 6 steps with instructions, worksheets, and lectures that explain how to apply for admission to college. Information in this course includes hyperlinks to resources,…

6 Steps to Admissions Success eBook

Written by CIT’s Dr. Matthew Andrews, this eBook teaches students, parents, and mentors the essential 6 steps of college applications with strategies to improve an applicant’s chances of admission to college. The book includes instructions, worksheets, and explanations on how to apply for admission to college. Information includes hyperlinks to websites to search for colleges,…

MOO regional meeting slide show 7-14-16

Click the link below to download Chris Wills’ slide show from the MOO regional meeting on July 14, 2016. CIT Chris Mutual of Omaha power point

College costs even more than you thought it did

NPR has a helpful article on little-known costs of college. My two favorite takeaways: 1) Students living at home aren’t always saving money because they get less access to aid, and 2) Financial aid calculators overestimate how much parents can pay. Take a few minutes to read their 6 key findings.

New FAFSA rules help grandparents contribute

With future FAFSA forms now using tax returns from two years prior (known as “prior prior” in the college world), that adds another year that family members can help pay for college without it negatively affecting financial aid eligibility. First, some quick background: The three main factors used to calculate financial aid eligibility are Non-retirement…